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Dark Bock
A bock beer brewed with dark roasted malt. See bock .
Dark Mild
An English term for mildly hopped ales that are brewed with roasted malt. Most are dark brown in color and full bodied, but have a relatively low alcohol content.
Dark/Pale Double Bock
Dark: A double bock brewed with dark roasted malt. Pale: A double bock brewed with malt that has been dried instead of roasted. See double bock.
To remove carbonate and bicarbonate ions from water, either by boiling or by adding chemicals.
A method of mashing that boosts the temerature from one step to the next by removing a portion of the mash, boiling it, and returning it to the main kettle.
Degrees of Extract
A measure of yield used by homebrewers; the specific gravity of one gallon of wort made from one pound of malt.
Unfermentable sugars that yeast is unable to metabolize, that are left in the beer. Dextrins are responsible for the body in the finished beer.
An amylolytic enzyme that breaks down the 1-6 bonds that hold dextrins together.
The enzymatic process of degrading soluble starch molecules to dextrin molecules.
A powerful aromatic compound that imparts the flavor of butter or butterscotch to beer.
A collective term for all the amylase enzymes in malt.
Diastatic Power
A measure of the total amylase content of a given sample of malt; usually expressed in degrees Lintner.
Diatomaceous Earth
The refined skeletons of ancient marine organisms, which are frequently used as a filtration medium.
Dimethyl Sulfide/DMS
A powerful aromatic compound that imparts a sweet creamed-corn smell to lager mashes. In finished beer it imparts a malty quality or, at higher levels, the taste of cooked vegetables.
Removes all ions from water.
A gold-colored, bottom-fermented beer from Dortmund, Germany's largest brewing city.
Double Bock, or Dopplebock
A stronger bock beer, though not necessarily double the strength. The original of the style was brewed by the Italian monks of the order of St. Francis of Paula in Bavaria to help them though their Lenten fast.
The solid matter remaining in the mash tun after the malt starch has been converted to sugar.
Draft Beer
Keg beer served on tap.
Dropping bright
Yeast settlement in mass produced beer.
Past participle of 'drink'.
Dry Beer
A term for light-bodied brews with little aftertaste and more alcohol.
Dry Hopping
The process of adding extra hops to the beer during fermentation to enhance its aroma.
Dry Stout
The Irish version of stout, slightly more bitter and higher in alcohol than the English sweet stout.
German word for 'dark', as in color.
A dark, wheat beer.